Who is ARKCC


My wife and I (Charles and Carla Terrell),have always had a caring heart. Before becoming foster parents we worked in the insurance industry, served in the military, worked as care-givers and served in our local church. Even though neither one of us were raised by our fathers, we were raised in loving families and had good support in our neighborhoods.

After witnessing the pain and trauma these children face and suffer, it touched and motivated us to make more of a contribution in their lives. After fostering 6 children and recognizing there is more to do, in 2019 we founded Ark CC, to provide greater resources to the children and the communities they reside in.

We want to do all we can for them to have a happy, healthy, loving childhood with the support they require for their unique circumstances.

Arkcc was founded by Charles and Carla Terrell. After fostering 3 of their grandchildren, they decided to foster other children and contribute to the lives of those in their care. After 9 years as foster parents and opening their home to approximately 12 children, they decided there was more to do. In 2019, Arkcc was started to offer more to foster children and be a resource for the communities they reside in.